Consequently National Oil will acquire the following assets from Total Kenya Ltd with an LPG (Liquefied Petroleum Gas) filling plant located along
With the acquisition of the LPG filling plant, NOCK will no longer require the services of third party installations to refill gas cylinders and this is expected to cut costs with eventual better price management of the end products. The facility will also provide enhanced safe, efficient and affordable hospitality to other companies selling cooking gas, especially the smaller players.
All the retail petrol stations are located in areas where National Oil has not had a presence before. The two retail filling stations located in
This acquisition is in line with NOCK’s Strategic Plan in which the corporation seeks to; grow its market share to a target of 15% by year 2030, increase its retail outlets by at least 20 per year to adequately distribute the allocated petroleum market quota of 30%. With this acquisition NOCK intends to fulfill the role of stabilizing the pricing of LPG and petroleum products making them more affordable to the end consumer. The national Oil Corporation is targeting to ensuring greater penetration of affordable LPG gas across the country
Spreading its presence in certain strategic areas where it has not previously been especially in areas that are poorly served by oil companies is one of its key targets as they continue to expand. With this acquisition, the total number of retail outlets owned by NOCK now stands at 70 countrywide with plans at advanced stage for it to acquire, lease and construct more retail outlets.
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